Pencil Scribble Apps

My ABC Flash Cards 1.0.7
Learn the alphabet with My ABC Flash Cards.This app encourages children to recognize small and capital lettersof the alphabet. Children will be encouraged to associate letterswith pictures and words. This app will also help develop essentialskills in recognizing beginning and end sounds, spelling skills andreading skills.
Sight Words - Dolch List 1.8.1
Sight words are very important in students' reading development.The Dolch word list consists of 220 words and 95 nouns ofhigh-frequency words. This list makes a great place to start forstudents who are just beginning to learn how to read. Sight Words -Dolch List orders words in alphabetical order and grouped by gradelevel. This app features flash cards containing the 220 commonwords and 95 nouns. Also included is an activity to spell the wordsand create your own review list from the Dolch word list. Inaddition, you can caption an image by building a sentence usingwords from the Dolch list.
Word Craze
Unscramble the letters to form the correct word.
Maths Skill Builder 2.1.7
Strong skills in basic operations are very important to succeed inMaths. Maths Skill Builder will help build confidence in addition,subtraction, multiplication and division. This application willkeep you motivated as it incorporates fun in learning. This appfeatures an addition activity which is a maths game that will helpdevelop skills in addition using a car racing theme. Answer theaddition problem correctly to move your car forward. Answer all 20problems correctly within the set time period to win the race. Alsofeatured is a subtraction game activity that will help developskills in subtraction using a balloon popping theme. Pop theballoon which contains the correct answer to the problem. Answerall 20 problems correctly to record your fastest speed. Anotheractivity in this app is a multiplication activity which is a gamethat will help develop skills in multiplication using an alieninvasion theme. Answer all 20 questions correctly within the settime period to save the city from alien invasion. A division gameactivity is also included in this app. It will help develop skillsin division using an apple shooting theme. Collect as many arrowsas you can within 20 seconds by answering the division problemscorrectly. Shoot apples with arrows you collected by providing theapproximate x-position of the apple on a given scale.
Attendance Record LITE 1.1.1
Attendance Record LITE mobile application is a simple way oftracking attendance. It is a great tool for teachers and trainersto keep a record of their students' class attendance, for child andschool care centers to keep record of times of when children havebeen signed in and out, for a small business to record times ofwhen employees start and finish work and for event organizers ingeneral to keep track of participants' attendance. Features: •Create different types of events. • Add up to a maximum of 7 eventrecords • Add up to a maximum of 50 attendee records • Copyrecurring events • Delete events • Includes functionality forattendees to sign himself in and out • Includes functionality forauthorised signee to sign on behalf of attendees • Administratorshave full access to view and update all records • Export report onevent's attendance in csv format • Export full list of attendeesand linked signees in csv format • Export report on attendee'sattendance record in csv format • List events in calendar view •Backup copy of local database • Restore from copy of database Allrecords you create are saved in your local database that is storedin your mobile device. Functionality to backup your AttendanceRecord LITE's database is available under the Database menu withinthe app. You can also restore from a backup copy of the AttendanceRecord LITE's database.The Attendance Record LITE's database filecan be restored in the FULL version of this mobile application.
Attendance Record 2.2.1
Pencil Scribble
Attendance Record mobile application is a simple way of trackingattendance. It is a great tool for teachers and trainers to keep arecord of their students' class attendance, for child and schoolcare centers to keep record of times of when children have beensigned in and out, for a small business to record times of whenemployees start and finish work and for event organizers in generalto keep track of participants' attendance. Features: • Createdifferent types of events. • Add/edit unlimited number of events •Add/edit unlimited number of attendees • Copy recurring events •Delete events • Includes functionality for attendees to signhimself in and out • Includes functionality for authorised signeeto sign on behalf of attendees • Administrators have full access toview and update all records • Export report on event's attendancein csv format • Export report on attendee's attendance record incsv format • Export full list of attendees and linked signees incsv format • Backup database • List events in calendar view •Backup copy of local database • Restore from copy of database Allrecords you create are saved in your local database that is storedin your mobile device. Functionality to backup your AttendanceRecord database is available under the Database menu within theapp. You can also restore from a backup copy of the AttendanceRecord database.
Attendance Roll Call LITE 1.0.5
Attendance Roll Call LITE mobile application is a simple andconvenient way of tracking attendance. It is a great tool forteachers and trainers to keep a record of their students' classattendance and for event organizers in general to keep track ofparticipants' attendance. Features: • Create different types ofevents • Add up to 50 attendee records in the attendee master file• Add up to 7 event records with start and end date times • Addattendees to events • Delete attendees from events • Copy recurringevents • Delete events • Sign attendees in and out of events ormark as absent • Export event attendance report in csv format •Export list of attendees from master file in csv format • Exportreport on attendee's attendance record in csv format • List eventsin calendar view • Backup/copy database. Your Attendance Roll CallLITE database file can be restored in another device whereAttendance Roll Call app is installed. • Restore from database TheLITE version contains ads. The Attendance Roll Call LITE's databasefile can be copied and restored in the full version of this mobileapplication. All records you create are saved in your localdatabase that is stored in your mobile device.
Attendance Roll Call 1.0.6
Pencil Scribble
Attendance Roll Call mobile application is a simple and convenientway of tracking attendance. It is a great tool for teachers andtrainers to keep a record of their students' class attendance andfor event organizers in general to keep track of participants'attendance. Features: • Create different types of events • Addunlimited number of attendees to master file • Add unlimited numberof events with start and end date times • Add unlimited number ofattendees to events • Copy recurring events • Delete events • Signattendees in and out of events or mark as absent • Export eventattendance report in csv format • Export list of attendees frommaster file in csv format • Export report on attendee's attendancerecord in csv format • Import event attendance list in csv formatvia Help & Info screen • Import attendance list in csv formatvia Help & Info screen • Import event type list in csv formatvia Help & Info screen • List events in calendar view •Backup/copy database. Your Attendance Roll Call database file canbe restored in another device where Attendance Roll Call app isinstalled. • Restore from database All records you create are savedin your local database that is stored in your mobile device.
Cube Timer & Scrambler LITE
This app generates an algorithm to scramble your cube and trackyour time.
Shelves N Storage 1.9
Pencil Scribble
Shelves N Storage is an inventory storage management applicationwhich will help track items on your shelves, cabinets, boxes,filing folders and other types of storages. You can add images ofyour storages and items and you can quickly find your items usingthe search facility. With a configurable layout, Shelves N Storageallows you to create your storage to match the shape of yourshelves or cabinets making it much easier to find what you arelooking for. Our rows (tiers) and columns system allow for the easein which to add and remove items. Storage rows and columns helpspeed the process in finding your items. Shelves N Storage willallow you to manage your whole home. With location you can find outif your items are stored in the home office, lounge room, mainbedroom or in the kitchen. Shelves N Storage is not just limited toshelf storage as it can be used to help in the home or work office.Help find documents in filing cabinets and filing boxes. It can beused to quickly find that statement you have placed in storage. Youcan create a home inventory list useful when moving house and forhome insurance purpose. It can also be used as a task manager tostore your todo list, task list or grocery list. Features of theFULL version: • Allows for unlimited number of storage records. •Allows for unlimited number of item records per storage. •Configure storage layout into rows and columns. • Add, edit or movean item by selecting the specific storage, storage’s row andcolumn. • Save images of your storages and items using yourdevice’s camera or get photos from your image gallery. • Schedulenotifications. • Send details of selected storage or item viaemail. • Quickly locate items by using the search facility. •Export item search result in CSV format. • Import item data fromCSV or TXT file. • Copy your Shelves N Storage database for backup.• Restore data from a copy of Shelves N Storage database. The FULLversion of Shelves N Storage does not contain ADs.
Cube Timer & Scrambler
This app generates an algorithm to scramble your cube and trackyour times.
Shelves N Storage LITE 2.2
Shelves N Storage LITE is an inventory storagemanagementapplication which will help track items on your shelves,cabinets,boxes, filing folders and other types of storages. You canaddimages of your storages and items and you can quickly findyouritems using the search facility. With a configurablelayout,Shelves N Storage LITE allows you to create your storage tomatchthe shape of your shelves or cabinets making it much easier tofindwhat you are looking for. Our rows (tiers) and columns systemallowfor the ease in which to add and remove items. Storage rowsandcolumns help speed the process in finding your items. ShelvesNStorage LITE will allow you to manage your whole home.Withlocation you can find out if your items are stored in thehomeoffice, lounge room, main bedroom or in the kitchen. ShelvesNStorage LITE is not just limited to shelf storage as it can beusedto help in the home or work office. Help find documents infilingcabinets and filing boxes. It can be used to quickly findthatstatement you have placed in storage. You can create ahomeinventory list useful when moving house and for homeinsurancepurpose. It can also be used as a task manager to storeyour to-dolist, task list or grocery list. Features of the LITEversion: •Allows for a maximum of 3 storage records. • Allows for amaximumof 20 inventory item records per storage. • Configurestoragelayout into rows and columns. • Add, edit or move an itembyselecting the specific storage, storage’s row and column. •Saveimages of your storages and items using your device’s camera orgetphotos from your image gallery. • Schedule notifications. •Senddetails of selected storage or inventory item via email. •Quicklylocate items by using the search facility. • Export itemsearchresult in CSV format. • Copy your Shelves N Storage LITEdatabasefor backup (this copy can also be restored in the fullversion ofthe app). • Restore data from a copy of the database. TheLITEversion of Shelves N Storage contains ADs. What is differentaboutthe FULL version? The FULL version allows unlimited numberofstorage and item records. You can import item data from csv ortxtfiles. It does not contain ads.
AUD Currency Exchange Rates 1.3
Know the value of your money with AUD Currency Exchange Rateswhenyou travel internationally. This app includes a currencyconverter,information on the latest exchange rates and historicalrates forthe last 30 publish dates. Exchange rates are sourced fromRBA dataand includes the following foreign currencies: AED - UnitedArabEmirates Dirhams CAD - Canadian Dollar CHF - Swiss Franc CNY-Chinese Yuan EUR - Euro GBP - British Pound HKD - Hong KongDollarIDR - Indonesian Rupiah INR - Indian Rupee JPY - Japanese YenKRW -Korean Won MYR - Malaysian Ringgit NZD - New Zealand DollarPGK -Papua New Guinean Kina SGD - Singapore Dollar THB - Thai BahtTWD -Taiwan Dollar USD - United States Dollar VND - Vietnamese Dong
Group Attendance Roll Call 2.5.1
Group Attendance Roll Call mobile application is a simpleandconvenient way for individuals and small groups to keep trackofattendance for their events. It is a great tool for teachersandtrainers to keep a record of their students' class attendanceandfor event organizers in general to keep track ofparticipants'attendance. It features real-time data for groupmembers to trackattendance of various events. Features: -Multi-user - Real-timeattendance data of events - Add attendeerecords not exceeding 300total for the group - Add event recordsnot exceeding 7 total forthe group. Please see "Tip Jar" in theHelp & Info section forinformation on additional event recordsand other features. - Addup to 300 attendees per event - Add eventtype records notexceeding 30 total for the group - Add group memberrecords notexceeing 30 total for the group - Copy recurring events- Deleteevents - Delete attendee record not linked to an event -Deletegroup members - Sign attendees in and out of events or markasabsent - Send SMS (if available on device) or email toattendeecontact via the View Attendee details screen and the EventSignIn/Out screen - List events in calendar view. - Access to viewandupdate your group's records from the past 2 years onwards.Notes: -There is a 30 day free trial to add | edit up to 7 eventrecords.If you do not have a subscription, you would still be ableto signin / out attendees and view | delete events outside of thetrialperiod. To manually subscribe, please see "Tip Jar" in theHelp& Info section for more information. - Group accounts withnonew event record for over a year will be permanently deleted.
Sight Words - Fry List 1.6.1
Sight words are very important in every student'sreadingdevelopment. The Fry Word List is a popular list ofhigh-frequencywords which consists of 1000 words. This list makes agreat placeto start for students who are just beginning to learnhow to read.This app features flash cards containing the 1000words. Alsoincluded is an activity to spell the words and createyour ownreview list. In addition, you can build a sentence usingwords fromthe Fry list to caption an image.
English - WH Question & Answer 1.9.1
Learn and practise asking and answering questions usingquestionwords. Question words are important in the developmentofcomprehension and verbal communication skills and forgatheringinformation. WH Question & Answer includes Who, What,Where,and When questions. This app also allows users to createtheir ownsets of questions and answers.
Task Checklist 1.0.8
Get organized with Task Checklist. It is simple and easy to use.Addall the tasks that you need to do and event reminders inTaskChecklist. Assign priorities to tasks and sort your list withthemost important tasks at the top of the list. Work your waythroughthe list by tackling the most important tasks first. Marktasks as'Done' once completed. List of tasks can be exported. Thefilecreated is in CSV format. Features: • Create unlimited numberoftask and sub task records • Create unlimited number ofeventrecords • Schedule notification • Group tasks by To Do, DoneandAll Tasks • Order records by Priority, Due Date or Category •Viewtasks and events in list or calendar view • Overdue To Do tasksarehighlighted in red • Send single event or single task or subtaskrecord via email • Email report of tasks and events in csvfileformat